Prostate Cancer Research

Alan Snowdonia for Science

Alan Parkhurst

Alan Parkhurst

My Story

I have decided to take on Snowdonia again in aid of Prostate cancer on 22nd June. i will be taking on the multi-peak trek, An epic route involving 21km of trekking with over 1500m of total ascent. Summiting 5 different peaks with the summit of Snowdonia being the pinnacle.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. More than 52,000 men are diagnosed every year on average - thats 144 men every day. Every 45 minutes one man dies from prostate cancer - thats more than 12,000 men every year.

1 in 8 men will be diagnosed in their lifetime.

Men do not always know they have the cancer with the likes of Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Noel Edmonds and Sir Ian Mckellen all being diagonsed after routine check ups, recently Bill Turnball, Len Goodman and Jake Abraham (actore aged 56, star from lock stock and two smoking barrells) have all died from Prostate cancer.

The disease does not care if you are famous, poor, young, old, husband, father, brother or son.

Please help with the funding of research to find treatments and one day a cure, if only £1 .... every £1 will help.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I have decided to take on Snowdonia again in aid of Prostate cancer on 22nd June. i will be taking on the multi-peak trek, An epic route involving 21km of trekking with over 1500m of total ascent. Summiting 5 different peaks with the summit of Snowdonia being the pinnacle.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. More than 52,000 men are diagnosed every year on average - thats 144 men every day. Every 45 minutes one man dies from prostate cancer - thats more than 12,000 men every year.

1 in 8 men will be diagnosed in their lifetime.

Men do not always know they have the cancer with the likes of Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Noel Edmonds and Sir Ian Mckellen all being diagonsed after routine check ups, recently Bill Turnball, Len Goodman and Jake Abraham (actore aged 56, star from lock stock and two smoking barrells) have all died from Prostate cancer.

The disease does not care if you are famous, poor, young, old, husband, father, brother or son.

Please help with the funding of research to find treatments and one day a cure, if only £1 .... every £1 will help.